Vector Marketing Bibliography

A list of books and resources that mention Vector Marketing and their Sales and Marketing strategies.

Strategic Marketing Problems, Cases and Comments, 12th Edition
Kerin, Perterson - 2010
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0131421840

Sales Management, 2009, 7th Edition
Hair, Anderson, Mehta and Babin
Publisher: Cengage Publishing

Marketing, 2000e: Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 7th Edition
Marketing Concepts and Strategies
ISBN: 0618192433

Strategic Marketing Management Cases, 7th Edition
Cravens, Lamb, Crittenden - 2002
Publisher: Burr Ridge, IL: Irvin/ McGraw Hill
1-800-282-0693, ISBN: 0072429461

Marketing Channels - A Management View, 6th Edition
Rosenbloom - 1999
Dryden Press ISBN: 003024482X

The Direct Option
Bartlett - 1994
Texas A&M University Press ISBN: 080965838

Personal Selling
O'Connor - 1990
Publisher: MacMillian ISBN: 0023888709

Selling Principles & Methods, 6th Edition, 1976
Peterson & Wright
Publisher: Richard D. Irwin Inc. ISBN: 0256016461

CUTCO Corporation: Going Green, 11th Edition, 2010.
Charles Lamb, Jr., Joseph Hair, and Carl McDaniel
Publisher: South-Western College Publishing

Vector Marketing Corporation: Recruitment and Technology in Marketing, 10th Edition, 2009
Charles Lamb, Jr., Joseph Hair, and Carl McDaniel
Publisher: South-Western College Publishing

Vector Marketing Corporation: Recruiting and Selecting College Students, 2009
Hair, Joe F.
Sales Management pages 243-44

Vector Marketing Corporation Recruiting and Selecting College Students Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships, 2008
Whelpley, John W., Sarah Baker Andrus, Michael R.Williams, Joseph F. Hair, Rolph E. Anderson, Rajiv Mehta, and Barry J. Babin
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company.

The Rebuilt Marketing Machine, 2005
Crittenden, Victoria L.
Publisher: Business Horizons

Growing Pains for Alcas Corporation, 2005
Schelfhaudt, Kristin and Victoria L. Crittenden
Publisher: Journal of Business Research

Developing the Sales Force and Growing the Business: The Direct Selling Industry Experience, 2004
Crittenden, Victoria L. and William F. Crittenden.
Publisher: Business Horizons

Success Factors in Non-Store Retailing: Exploring the Great Merchants Framework, 2002
Crittenden, Victoria L. and Elizabeth Wilson
Publisher: Journal of Strategic Marketing